Chapter 17 - Department of Buildings

Members perform technical work related to the department's enforcement of city and state laws regulating construction, alteration, maintenance, demolition, and occupancy of buildings. Their jobs include reviewing plans for new building construction and alteration to existing structures, conducting field inspections of construction sites, investigating building and zoning complaints and related tasks.

President: Jose Gomez
Cell Phone: (917) 929-3007
Email[email protected]

Vice President: Efrain Carbaca
Secretary: Rania Genidy
Treasurer: Mona Girgis
Sergeant-at-Arms: Soha Othman


Jose Gomez
Efrain Carbaca
Rania Genidy
Mona Girgis
Rafee Ade-Salu

Miles Eng
Lyubov Tsinis
Teolinda Gross
Abderrahim Charguini
Soha Othman

Pui Yee Lai
Natacha Dartois

Ahmed Dirhalleh
Carlos Ambia
Minault Reginald