
9/11 Health Watch releases a video series explaining the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund and how 9/11 responders, survivors, and their families can access the program...

AFSCME President Lee Saunders praised the White House’s announcement Thursday that the Biden administration will forgive student loans for an additional 78,000 borrowers — including many AFSCME mem

AFSCME President Lee Saunders congratulated Nicole Berner, a longtime labor lawyer and general counsel of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), on being 

Last month all members should have received a bargaining survey from Local 375. The results from this survey will drive our Local's participation in the upcoming negotiations process. For those of you that have completed and returned the survey, thank you. If you have not, please respond as quickly as possible.

Library supporters are gearing up for a rally on Friday to press the City Council to fund seven-day service and capital projects.

The rally on the steps of City Hall–supported by DC 37 and the advocacy group Invest in Libraries–is scheduled for 10 a.m. The theme of the coalition’s campaign is, “Invest in libraries, Invest in All New Yorkers!”

The group has two demands:

There’s a rally at City Hall on Feb. 15 at 11:30 for more funding and better conditions at NYCHA being held by Community Voices Heard. Please click here for flyer.

Earlier this month, Lilly Ledbetter recalled attending Barack Obama’s first inaugural ball in 2009. It meant a lot to her that former President Barack Obama chose her for his second dance of the night, after granting the first one, naturally, to his wife Michelle.

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We want you to be part of New York City’s largest public employee union, with about 150,000 members and 50,000 retirees. Do you work in a DC 37 title? Are you paying dues without being a member? Then sign up today for a voice in your union and your workplace. Join electronically to become a Local 375, DC 37 member and sign up to receive the latest union news.