Member News

In a memo from Daniel Katz, Director of the DC 37 Research & Negotiations Department, it's been announced that the NYC Office of Labor Relations will delay adding the 3% May pay increases for m

It Takes Guts To Put Your Health First!

Did you know colorectal cancer is the third most


The DC 37 Women’s Committee invites you to celebrate Women’s History Month with your union!

DC 37 Education Fund Classes and Benefits


Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! DC 37 Members and their families are now eligible for guided access to surgical care.

Please click on the link below for the Associate Project Manager test prep course by the DC37 Education Fund:

Additionally, please click on the link below for test prep pdf documents which is in an Education and Experience format.

Ballots in the Local 375 officer runoff election were mailed out by AAA on Tuesday, November 13th and must be returned by 9 am on Thursday, December 6th. If you do not receive your ballot by November 20th, please contact AAA' Duplicate Hotline at 1-800-529-5218 Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.

Please participate in this important election.

Ballots were counted in the Local 375 election on Monday, November 11, 2018 (Please click here to see the vote count). None of the candidates running for any of the seven (7) Local 375 officer positions received the constitutionally required majority of votes to be declared elected. Local 375 will be having a run off election to determine the officers.

A few weeks back we asked you to submit questions to the candidates running for office in the upcoming Local 375 Elections, today we have posted the answers we received on our website: Candidate Q & A

Thank you all for your great questions, the committee chose 3 for each position and asked the candidates the same questions. Responses were limited to 150 words for each question.

Ballots will be mailed out Monday, October 15 and will arrive at your home soon after.

The use of union and/or employer resources is prohibited for this election. This includes sending campaign materials, for or against a candidate or slate of candidates, to a work email address. If you receive campaign information at your work email address, you are asked to disregard it. 

Local 375 Election Committee

Local 375 is beginning the process to elect new officers. A nomination notice was mailed on August 28th to all members that includes the details.

Nominations will be held on Thursday, September 13th at DC 37 at 6 pm in Room #2.  Nominations will be accepted by the Election Committee for the following Local 375 officer positions: President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms and Executive Committee Chairperson. Nominations will also be accepted for (10) Delegates to DC 37 and (8) Delegates to the NYC CLC.

Our union is under attack from anti-union forces across the country. Now, more than ever, unionized workers must stand together to protect the gains that the labor movement has made over the years.

On Saturday, September 8th, unionized workers and their supporters will be taking over the streets of Manhattan. Standing strong, they will let the world know that despite the Janus decision the labor movement is very much alive. Unions will not be beaten down by Janus!

Local 375 is in the process of putting together a nomination/election committee to run an election of officers for Local 375. Any member interested in participating should contact the Local 375 office at 212-815-1375 and speak to either Administrator John English or Alba Germosen.

Protect Your Rights And Benefits!

We want you to be part of New York City’s largest public employee union, with about 150,000 members and 50,000 retirees. Do you work in a DC 37 title? Are you paying dues without being a member? Then sign up today for a voice in your union and your workplace. Join electronically to become a Local 375, DC 37 member and sign up to receive the latest union news.